Sammie The African Grey

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sammie's Best Friend

This is Diz, the Italian Greyhound. She's seven years old and like Sammie, completely spoiled. Sammie not only imitates Diz barking but tells herself to shut up afterward! When Sammie sees Diz get up in the morning she says, "Wanna go pee-pee?" She bosses Diz around quite a bit. "Diz, get over here!"

Sammie can imitate someone knocking on the front door and I can't tell the difference from the real thing. After going to answer the door only to find that nobody was there, I realized that Diz could tell the difference so, if Diz didn't react, I knew it was Sammie and I didn't need to go to the door. The dog is smarter than me!

I do like that little critter! She's so cute and she eats food that I don't want and sling to the floor. If she would only eat bird poop, Dianne's job would be much easier.

I hate that freakin' bird.


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