Sammie The African Grey

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Strange Activity

From the desk of Dianne:

Sammie is normal except for some really strange behavior and it always involves...Apples!

She doesn't do this with any other food but give her an apple and she has to kill it before eating it. She throws it into her water dish and drowns it, stands on top of it and makes a huge mess.

Her instincts kick in and she fluffs herself up like a bowling ball, to make the apple think she's bigger than she actually is.

I asked her Vet about this and his answer? "You got me, I don't have a clue. They're like people, all have different personalities."

The picture says it all.

From the perch of Sammie:

She doesn't get it. That apple is alive! It's kill or be killed.


  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Rosa said…

    I can't get enough of these antics!! Hillarious! (And to think I missed all this while living across the street from you! boo-hiss) I hope you get some on video!


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