Sammie The African Grey

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A New Toy

Sammie now has a music box! When she pushes the white area in the middle of the heart, it plays a series of tunes (children's songs) and is good for 1000 plays.

AG's aren't easily introduced to new things so she stared at it all day yesterday, as you can see in the picture. She went as far away from it as she could and fluffed up, while watching it.

Today, she started playing with it and managed to hit the middle and the music began. She likes it.


I would have liked Country music instead of kid's songs. Maybe Big & Rich or George Jones?



  • At 5:18 AM, Blogger Queen Jaw Jaw said…

    WHAT?!! NO ELVIS? What are you people, some kind of communist? Hell-O?

    da Trixster...

  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger Dianne said…

    Oh dear. We did forget about The King! Sorry. He's now included on The List!

    We apologize for this slip up!

    Sammie and Dianne

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger Queen Jaw Jaw said…

    Not to worry Old Great Gray...I knew it was just a slip...say, since we're adding to the list, what about that favorite of ours, you know...the one we sang that night we had the part---ah....wait, Ms D doesn't know about that, does she? Hmm...okay, well, what about that song you and I sang over the phone that day, you know "Bird is the Word?" Member? Man...can you ever sing!
    Bird...bird...Bird is the word...Ah um mau mau mau...Kinda makes ya want to get up and dance, eh?


  • At 6:32 AM, Blogger Dianne said…

    Trixie, I thought you were talking about that song, Let's get drunk and...oops. Sorry. What am I thinking. "She" reads this!

    Ah, George Jones. He's coming to MN and Mommie Dianne is all in a tither. She'll probably throw her underwear on stage or something to embarrass all of us.


  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger Rosa said…

    Sammie, I'll look around Nashville and see what I can find! (Sorry, don't do Elvis.) eeeek. Daig, Sammie, was that Dianne who put a piece of under garment on George's fence post--you know he lived a couple of miles down the road! Surely not. Lord have mercy!

  • At 8:02 PM, Blogger Dianne said…

    George lived down the road from us and I didn't even know it? Damn. Why didn't you tell me. I would've stalked him or something. He's too old to run very fast...wouldn't have stood a chance!

  • At 10:12 AM, Blogger Dianne said…

    What???? I now have bunny rabbits visiting my blog. What's next?

    Welcome Jack. Glad you found me. It beats having another cat post here!


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